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Books, Books and Possibly More Books
City of Thieves – David Benioff (which came with an additional jacket that said if you don’t like this we will send you two books in return – now that’s a promise)
Molly Fox’s Birthday – Deirdre Madden (which I have read but still isn’t showing up on my blog… more on that shortly)
The SĂ©ance – John Harwood (very excited)
Casanova – Ian Kelly (a biography – interesting)
Daphne – Justine Picardie (the paperback, so now I have two)
Call For The Dead – John Le Carre
A Murder of Quality – John Le Carre
The Looking Glass War – John Le Carre
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold – John Le Carre (the only one of these I had heard of)
Henry – David Starkey (another biography)
The Coma – Alex Garland
Valeria’s Last Stand – Marc Fitten
Sunnyside – Glen David Gold (another duplicate)
Oh I forgot three… see what I mean about needing to sort everything out! I have also had these…Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy (with the most summery cover)
Ghosts & Lightning – Trevor Byrne
Come Sunday – Isla Murphy (other than Thomas Hardy I know nothing of these authors)
The other big thing I have been sorting out is a possible new blog site! I have been working like an absolute demon on researching and actually trialling some of the other blog providers apart from Blogger which as you may know I am having some slight problems with. I had a good look into Typepad which is a popular one and I do love the layout that people like Dovergreyreader have but I feel a bit funny about paying for a blog. So after much whittling and indecision I have decided to try out Wordpress. Now I haven’t gone there for good but I am giving it a go as I love the fact that your blog can have several pages. So I have made some extra ones, sadly I cant have a currently reading column, well it could be the fact that I haven’t worked out what to do with it yet!
My trail site is HERE and I would love, love, love to hear what you think. So do please let me know. I think this one is more classic but with less pages and the new one is more modern... oh I don't know... you decide!
...Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie! I know I have already waffled on about how wonderful I thought this book was but days on I am still talking to everyone about it and frankly I can’t be stopped. As soon as it comes out in paperback I have a list as long as my arm of people that I will have to send copies too. I think the one thing I wished that I had added in my review (which you can find here) is that it’s also very much a book for our times. We like so much to think that the human race has come such a long way forward and in reality I am not sure how true that is and in some ways (not all but some) Kamila Shamsie’s book captivates this and along with sadness and despair she brings hope in a wonderful, wonderful character such as Hiroko.
I did say that this could have easily been a drawer and the book that I would also be more than happy to see win has to be The Wilderness by Samantha Harvey (the review should be up on here on Friday) as the tale of a man and his developing Alzheimer’s and how he tries to remember his life story is another absolutely wonderful book. I would love it if one of them won the Orange and one of them won the Booker that would be quite fabulous wouldn’t it. If Ellen Feldmen or Samantha Hunt won I would be happy too (reviews are here and here), they were both very good books. I remain undecided on Molly Fox’s Birthday by Deirdre Madden possibly because I haven’t quite finished it (review will be up Monday when am back and have more time) but it’s left me luke warm for now. I won’t comment on Home, you can all read my struggle with that here.
Will I be right? I won’t actually know until Monday… how vexing! What are your thoughts?