The answer is… for children and hardcore fans definitely. It doesn’t really qualify as a book of totally new works because of the fact that Dumbledore runs a commentary throughout the whole book, so actually the book isn’t as full of tales as you would believe, and it is also translated by Hermione, so still has masses of Potter running through it.
The tales however are brilliant and Rowling seriously knows how to spin a tale be it long or short. Having read Perrault’s fairy tales and re-embracing my love of them earlier in the year this was another joy to read and I can imagine if Rowling made more they could become the fairy tales of future generations. My absolute favourite, though I thought it was a bit gory for children, was ‘The Warlock’s Hairy Heart’ I just thought it was simply brilliant.
All five stories are great though be it for morals such as ‘The Wizard and the Hopping Pot’ which teaches you about greed, ‘The Fountains of Fair Fortune’ which had a lovely moral to it that I wasn’t expecting and wont give away. You can find something scary in ‘The Warlocks Hairy Heart’. A brilliant main character and almost traditional fairy tale in ‘Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump’ and another almost traditional tale in ‘The Tale of Three Brothers’ which I think was my least favourite.
Potter fans and children alike will absolutely love this. It’s also for charity so if you want to remember when you were a kid and someone sat down and told you a good story then pick this up and curl up on your sofa.
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