Monday, March 16, 2009

What To Read Next… It’s Not As If I Don’t Have Enough Choice!

Yes that’s right I have been truly stuck on what to read next. Part of the problem is that fact that The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite was just so good; it’s difficult to decide what can follow that at the moment. I could start on the next Richard and Judy and be early but it didn’t take my fancy and neither did any of the ‘review’ books I have received of late, some of them are going to be stonking reads I just know it, they just didn’t do for now.

One thing I can’t say it that I don’t have choice as I do currently have a TBR pile and TBR boxes of over 600 books to choose from then again this is part of the problem when you have too many books to read you simply don’t know where to start. Farmlanebooks had the wonderful idea of choosing one of the books that I have had on my TBR the longest the only problem with having so many books is that you don’t know which ones have had waiting to be read for eons and eons. So I hatched a plan, as the weather was so nice I knew me and the Non Reader were off out to spend a day in the park with a picnic and hours of fresh air and no plans. So I decided I would look at my new years book resolutions and pick a book out of each resolution to take with me and have a try of the first page of each one.

So I took some classics a Scott Fitzgerald, a Bronte and a James Baldwin. I grabbed a Jodi Piccoult as I have always been a bit sneery about her without actually reading a word she has written (I am not alone I have had that same conversation with three different readers) and We Need To Talk About Kevin as that’s one of my re-read missions for 2009 after I hated it when I first tried to read it a few years ago. None of these – despite the sun, my good mood and my relaxed brain – did the trick and it’s not because I had the dreaded readers block they just weren’t what I wanted.

Now it’s of course typical that when you twig exactly what you do want to read you don’t own it. Two things happened which gave me for the desire for the book I really want to read next but don’t have a copy of. The first was my Gran who told me that it was her next read. The second was the author herself being on television last night at 10pm on ITV, the actress and now also author of memoirs Sheila Hancock. ‘The Two of Us’ is her memoirs as an actress and also living with the death of her husband John Thaw and how she coped and it is said to be marvellous and after seeing her on the telly last night I think she is wonderful. I oddly have the second Just Me but I have to read things in order. It looks like I might have to go shopping… whoops! I know I shouldn’t but I think it would be a wise celebration of my 200th post on this blog, yes 200 posts old today! Come on I think that’s fair? I will only get it if I see it in one of the charity shops… here or in the next two towns.


I did find the book on the way to Sainsburys in the first charity shop I went in and it was the only book I bought (despite seeing a wonderful copy of Madame Pompadour by Nancy Mitford - there is alwys tomorrow) however as I was pottering about I noticed a book I had aimed to take with me to the park yesterday and had forgotten... The Parasites by Daphne Du Maurier, I am already loving it and quite hooked so Sheila will be next on the list to read!


Unknown said...

"I will only get it if I see it in one of the charity shops… here or in the next two towns."

Sounds like you're just talking yourself into a book shopping trip! You're trying to suggest that you'll find this book by scouting three towns....I think you'll be very lucky! I'm sure you'll find loads of other good books on your trip though - so good luck!

The only Picoult book I have read is My Sisters Keeper - I loved it! I really should read a few more of her books. You should make sure you give her a try though.

Sandy Nawrot said...

Oh for crying out loud, just treat yourself already! You deserve it, with the 200 posts and all. I have read three or four Jodi Piccoult books, and while they are very mainstream, they are also very dark, particularly for anyone who is a parent. One gave me nightmares. Also I must add that one of my favorite books of all time is "The Post Birthday World" by Lionel Shriver, and I do intend to read her others, including the one you mentioned.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the 200th post too!

Dot said...

Argh the dreaded Reader's Block! I had it a few weeks ago, so many books on the bookshelves but none took my fancy! Congratulations on the 200 posts!

Savidge Reads said...

Hello all, I found it within the first charity store I went into for £1 so I was really pleased. I didnt buy any other books though so I have some restraint (and one was Madame Pompadour by Nabcy Mitford so I was really good as its rare - theres always tomorrow) as for Jodi I shall give her a try now that you've said shes good.

Oh big irony... I passed The Parasites by Daphne Du Maurier which I was going to take to the park and forgot yesterday... am now hooked so Sheila will have to wait!

Unknown said...

Well done on finding the book! I never find a book when I'm after a specific one. I normally only find it the day after I've given up and ordered a copy online!